1137 Haley Rd.
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

(615) 867-6900


11301 Old Nashville Hwy
Smyrna, TN 37167

(615) 617-7644


Cheer Bootcamp is an 8-week program to prepare individuals ages 7-17 for cheer tryouts. Kids will learn motions, jumps, tumbling, and stunting. Bootcamp is offered two days of the week: Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:30pm-8:00pm starting on January 15th and 17th and ending on March 5th and 7th. You may sign up for one or both days, call the office at 615-617-7644 to ask about a discount for both days!

ETC’s Parents Night Out is always a hit with kids and parents alike! For just $25 for 7pm-10:30pm or $30 for 5:30pm-10:30pm you can enjoy an evening out while the kids bounce, jump, zip, blast, and dodge.

Smyrna Parent’s Night Out  December 13th, Always the SECOND Friday of the Month: To register, click the link on the Parent’s Night Out tab or call the Smyrna gym at 615-617-7644.

Murfreesboro Parent’s Night Out December 20th, Always the THIRD Friday of the month, call 615-867-6900 or click Parents Night Out to sign up.

DIPPER PNO!!!! December 20th, To register call the Murfreesboro office at 615-867-6900. That’s right! PNO from 7pm-10:30pm for POTTY TRAINED dippers ages 2-4.5. Cost is $25. (Early drop off not available for Dippers.)


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